Merry Christmas from us all at The Harding Hub.

12th December 2024.
As we prepare to close our offices for the Christmas period, we wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and the importance with which we hold our work.

It’s getting festive here at Harding Hub HQ, and so we hope that you’ll enjoy our short message to let you know just how much we’ve appreciated our work together, over the year gone by. Details about our forthcoming period of closure follow, below.

‘Tis the night before Christmas and a time to reflect
On the monies we’ve managed and people we’ve met
And the causes we’ve championed, with passion and care,
That move us all closer to futures more fair.

On the clients and colleagues we’re so thrilled to keep,
And on new names and faces, we’ve grown by a leap.
On advice about savings and pensions, taxation,
And policy changes affecting the nation.
On Complex transactions, planned to the letter,
Helping to make all your finances better.
On meetings in person, online and the phone,
Presentations in offices, visits to homes.
On portfolios built for those cautious and bold,
On the strategies crafted for young and for old.

On the tough times we’ve had and the families we’ve cried with,
For those we’ve been so sad to say our goodbyes with.
On the trust that you’ve placed in our words held so true,
On the pride that we have in our work here for you.

So as this year closes and holidays start,
We send you this message, with thanks and with heart,
May your days ahead sparkle, your futures be bright,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Our offices will be closed from 1pm on Tuesday 24th December 2024, reopening at 9am on Thursday 2nd January 2025. 

For anything urgent during that time, please call us on 03333 44 70 44 and listen to the recorded message, which will give details of our emergency contact for the period of closure. 
We look forward to continuing our work together in 2025 and for now, wish you and your families a very merry Christmas, and a happy, healthy New Year. 

Seasons Greetings from Tanya, Mel, Oli, George, Alex, Gemma and all of us here at the Harding Hub.